Florida and Nevada – Fall of 2017
Spending time in St. Augustine, the United States’ oldest city, full of history and coastal beauty, is a great way to enjoy our family in the Jacksonville area and do a bit of exploring Florida in October…followed by a road trip from Colorado to Nevada. Would love your tips for both trips!

Oceanside, Oregon beach Home Exchange!
Oceanside, Oregon is a gorgeous, small community on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Fresh sea breezes and clean evergreen scents combine to make you want to breathe it all in! We enjoyed a fantastic home exchange

Sensational White Sands National Monument at sunset!
It’s a giant sandbox in the southern New Mexico desert – great for awesome echos and unique photography.

“Unknown” Great Basin National Park, Nevada
Google the “best National Parks you’ve never heard of” and GBNP is on many lists. Discover Lehman Caves, tarantulas, reservoirs, lava flows, Joshua trees, glorious aspens, bristlecone pines, Wheeler Peak, Cathedral…

Florida bound for TBEX travel bloggers’ conference and family
Sheila’s traveling to Florida (without Tom!) to attend a TBEX Travel Bloggers’ conference; then she’ll spend time with family in Jacksonville. Tom will be busy taking his son on a college tour. Yes, it’s THAT time! Fort Lauderdale is considered the yacht capital of the world and you know how much Sheila loves boats and marinas…

Great Basin NP, NV – Definitely off the beaten track
What do football and sailing have in common? September road trip, of course! Son’s football game and our family in Utah, sailing meeting in Vegas, Great Basin National Park, plus golf and home exchange in Mesquite. Any must-do hikes or other excursions in and around Great Basin National Park or eastern NV? Suggestions for Mesquite activities?