Tips to Organize Multiple Home Exchanges
As fans of the home exchange experience we’re often asked for tips. If you have experienced the pleasure of a successful home exchange, you’re likely excited to do more. If you’ve never considered home exchange you may enjoy our story about exchanging your home with strangers. Now, what about scheduling several home exchanges in a row for one unforgettable trip? This may seem daunting to organize, but with these tips you’re only limited by your imagination!

Date Nights, Daydreaming and Travel Planning
These are a few resources we love for date nights, travel plans and cool services.

Trip Advisor Reviews
Currently, reviews on our site are by destination, but you can also find our hotel, restaurant and activity reviews on Trip Advisor.

Airline Luggage Regulations
RTG Travel Tools: What are the luggage rules? This answer is a moving target! Regulations and fees change often and vary significantly. Check the rules of the airline you’re flying EVERY time you fly. Some airlines now charge even for one carry-on bag (like our last Frontier flight Denver to Miami, so it’s not even just puddle jumpers!) while some …

Currency Converter
RTG Travel Tool: Money, money, money! When you’re booking your hotel, car rental or just understanding the overall prices to expect, it’s really helpful to have a simple, current currency converter. Many countries easily accept U.S. Dollars and credit cards for most major purchases, but for smaller bed & breakfasts, cab rides, services and tips many require or prefer their …