Do you have to be naked to go bareboat sailing??
Do you have to be naked to go barebutt sailing? Oops, I mean bareboat! Maaaybe – bareboat sailing means that you or a close friend is certified and skilled enough in sailing prowess that your group can charter a sailboat on your own without hiring a local professional skipper. You sail wherever you want…

Love hearts? Enjoy these from world travelers!
Do you see hearts in your surroundings or even create them when inspired? Yes? Then you’ll love these images and stories! We asked our readers and fellow travel bloggers to share a favorite heart from their travels. You know we’re all about romance, baby!

Summer in Scotland, Wales and England – Returning to the scene of the crime.
Spending July and August in Edinburgh, Scotland, northern Scotland, North and South Wales, and southern England. Your suggestions welcome! Particularly looking for interesting lodging options in north Scotland, along the coast, and throughout Wales. Plus, golf courses, for Tom!

Hey, you two. Get a room! How we choose our lodging
So, when we “Get a Room”, what kind of room attracts us? Well, there are quite a few styles that make us happy and it really depends on the situation. We prefer charm, character and local flavor over standardization, but there are places where the comforts of a known property are welcome.

Scotland Honeymoon Home Exchange – A gigantic, green hug!
A Scottish/Irish/Celtic wedding – complete with bagpipes, drums, Highland dancers, kilts, haggis, scotch, and an authentic Celtic Chef prepared a full menu of delicious Celtic food, then SURPRISE!! We got a home exchange offer from a friendly couple in Scotland…

Bruges, Belgium IS for lovers!
Bruges (also spelled Brugge) IS for LOVERS! Seriously, if Paris and Bruges were to arm wrestle for the title, Bruges wins it, hands down. Here are some photos – more soon…It was a side trip during our home exchange in Belgium.